What is #ScratchNights?

All-In Productions wanted to help give a platform to great new art, and to support the development of local performance companies. By teaming up with The Garage we are proud to present #ScratchNights

Each of the companies involved in #ScratchNights have received 5 free days space in The Garage, mentoring and support on the project and their organisation and will take away 100% of the Box Office takings, as an investment in their future work.

Come see a roster of the region’s most talented artists perform new material from shows they are working on in a fantastically fast showcase of 15 minute slots, featuring an eclectic range of disciplines. There will be time for feedback and discussion at the end of the evening.


Do you have an exciting new idea for a piece of performance? Are you struggling to find the space and support you need?

All-In Productions wants to help give a platform to great new art, and to support the development of local performance companies. By teaming up with The Garage and we are proud to present #ScratchNights

Apply now for a chance to take part in our scratch process..

All-In productions and The Garage can give you..

  • FREE SPACE- 5 days of rehearsal space worth over the value of £1000 in the performance hub that is The Garage Norwich.
  • ARTISTIC MENTORING – Our brilliant Artistic Director will be on hand to give you advice and feedback throughout your time with us.
  • PRODUCER MENTORING- We can give you guidance on anything from your budgets to writing your funding bids.
  • PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITY – As part of your time with us, you will share what you have been working on in our Scratch Night. This will be fully teched in our 113 seat studio theatre.
  • AUDIENCE FEEDBACK- After the show we will be hosting a feedback event with the audience. This is a fantastic chance to see what the audience thought and to get ideas on how to develop your piece further.
  • MONEY! – The company’s taking part in the scratch night, each take home an equal split of 100% of the box office taking.
  • LASTLY.. -You will be starting a valued relationship with a small scale programming venue.

So what are you waiting for… Apply here for any of our scratch night events

Click here for an application form

With further artist support and development of offer through our partner organisations The Garage, House and Norfolk County Council Arts Team.

The companies and individuals who have been a part of past #ScratchNights Include…